Artwork no. 558

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Title: Extending The Legacy
Finished: May 10, 2010
At first, I thought I was about to retire Aya 6 from my line-up and move on with Aya 7 (now called Angie). But, I felt I couldn't say goodbye to her and continue using her on the line-up. So I continued to render he but I thought I would stop development on her that made the revision 9 would be the last Aya 6. I changed my mind at he end and redone her again. This is the result of Aya 6 revision 10, so far the character with the highest number of revision. She will be on the line-up for few more years from now, extending the legacy I started 5 years ago.

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Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.